
11 Theme projects

Trainers- To transform trainers in several versatile effects. Looking more into the history and invention on trainers and how trainers and different types of them make people feel. For final project creating an advert about trainers.

Astral projection- Explaining the different levels of consciousness in astral projection. Several ways to induce astral projection to experience this enlightenment. Talk about spirit more in depth and why we are more powerful than we think.

Eyes- Different colours of eyes, colours of eyes in the same category but contrasting between them. The meaning of eye colours, and rare ones too. Explaining dilated and non-dilated eyes can is expressed by peoples moods.

Make up- Why make up is a big part in peoples lives. The beauty of make-up. Showing transformations how the power of make up can make people look, the way it’s used. Styles of make up for atmosphere or event your in.

Fashion clothing- How clothing is important to society. Why trends always come back in fashion. Types of clothing that are in fashion now, and why some clothes go out of trend quickly and some doesn’t.

Horror Films- Creating a film, building up research about film and different genres.  Look for inspiring short film and long horror film of how their different. Also listening to characters voices of there speech and tone. What I would take from that is how I can put parts of the techniques in to my film. For final project could either create a movie or write a script.

Holidays- Expolring different parts of the world, having there own special identity. What countries I’ve been too and the feeling of me being there. Comparing the similarities and differences of the countries.

Art- Drawing versitile concepts of art, perspective and objects on a 2D surface. Types of equipment I have to do with art. My previous art work I’ve produced. Why art is interesting to me and why I am talented at it drawing.

Music- Looking a a wide range of music and genres and talking about the emotions it brings out in the viewers.

Graffiti- Once only frowned upon and instantly painted over, some graffiti artist have garnered national attention for their work and in some cities are revered for their talent.  There is usually no shortage of this material as long as you live close to an urban area.

Exercise- Types of exercise for body  parts to loose weight or gain muscle. An example of what I do in the gym to keep my body in shape. How to make exercise fun. Also the dietary food I recommend to eat.

Aswell as having a selective of 11 themes I could choose from I specifically chose them because either there my hobbies or I find it fascinating that’s why I picked 11. Overall I decided to chose trainers because there’s soo much I can write about and I admire trainers, who doesn’t?

I felt that this was the best one to chose because, I have a great imagination to edit trainers in different ways, I hundreds of trainers everyday walking on the street, so I can use them for my project deciding to create an advert.