Unit 6 Investigating visual production and technology

Dream Themes

Prophetic Dreams
Prophetic dreams are to as precognitive or psychic dreams, are dreams of events or incidents before they happen.

Project: Set in the Victorian times a person predicted there would be a beneficial powerful use of some form of electricity but didn’t know what to call it ; now Technology is here today.

Recurring Dreams
Recurring dreams repeat themselves within. Such dreams may repeat because a cause of conflict depicted in the dream remains unresolved or ignored. Once you have found a resolution to the problem, your recurring dreams won’t appear.

Project: A looping video that appears to consist of the same event, until the person resolves the situation, this will happen continuously.

A nightmare is a terrifying dream that causes the dreamer to wake up feeling anxious and frightened.

Video: of something attacking a person

Lucid Dreams
Lucid dreams happen when the physical body is asleep but the conscious mind is awake, where dreamer realises that it’s dreaming and can control their dreams into whatever they imaging. This ability to achieve the lucid dream state is an important initiation into mastering the power of thought.

Project: Using double exposure and Photoshop

Daydreaming when the person is conscious as the mind begin to wander and level of awareness decreases, people lose themselves in an imagined scenario and fantasy.

Project: Using photography their facial expression gazed looking up thinking about their desires.

False Awakenings
False awakenings are basically very vivid types of dreams where you assume you’re awake, and you don’t know you’re dreaming. The person dreams that they’ve woken up for real until something occurs that makes them question the authenticity of the dream.

Project: Photography

Healing Dreams
Healing dreams serve as messages for the dreamer in regards to their health. The dreams can warn you that something is not quite right with your bodies before any physical symptoms show up. This represents some area of your life that is being restored.

Stop motion: of something healing.

Progressive Dreams
Progressive dreams, occur when you have a sequence of dreams that continue where the dreamer left off over a period of nights, like a story.

Project: A short film.

Mutual Dreams
Mutual dreams are described as such where two or more people meet up and communicate inside the dream world, they have the same dream and are actively working toward achieving one dream scenario.

Drawing: to describe the mutual dream in a picture

Signal Dreams
Signal dreams help you on how to solve problematic situations or make decisions in reality. Also, it’s to make the dreamer’s intuition stronger.

Project: A voiceover of a spiritual guardian speaking to the dreamer.

Sleep paralysis

When you can’t move in your physical body but you conscious, it is common that you can’t close your eyes and a demon is sitting on your chest it seems terrifying. In some cases, weirdness comes occurs such as you can hear out loud what your thinking. 

Project: A video the camera setting negative effect.

Secondary Research

What are dreams?

Dreams are images and imagery, thoughts, sounds and voices, mentally and emotional experiences during sleep. This can include people you know, people you’ve never met, places you’ve been, and locations you don’t recognise. Whereas some are as recalling events that happened earlier in the day.  They can also be your deepest and darkest fears and secrets, and most private fantasies. The dreamer has reduced control over the event, visual images and activation of the memory. There is no cognitive state that has been as recognised and yet as frequently misinterpret as dreaming when asleep. It’s common that dreams tend to be full of emotional and vivid experiences that contain themes, concerns, dream figures, and objects that represent to waking life. These elements create a “reality” story out of producing an experience with a lifelike connection. Our minds are limitless to what it can experience during a dream or it’s just random to what you end up dreaming about.

How are they visualised in different types of media?

The media says that are habits in our daily life have a huge impact on our dreams good and bad.

They say sleeping on the left side is most likely to result in nightmares while sleeping on your right side is associated with more peaceful dreams. Listening to positive music helps to calm the mine as a result of having sweeter dreams.  Watching scary movies before bed can induce your brain to create its own terrifying stories. The fact that TV colour can affect dreams is interesting recording scientifically, people who watch black and white television between the ages of 3-10 years old are more likely to experience their dreams in shades of grey than those who grew up with coloured TV. Going to bed hungry can have a consequence of sleepless nights, even to have the worst when hungry false awakenings dreaming of a juicy burger or cupcake. In many Christian cultures today, for instance, lucid dreaming is still associated with Satanism and witchcraft.

How can you use what you have found in your projects?

I’m going to use my questionnaire mostly



Primary research

How do people different backgrounds perceive dreams?

People from different backgrounds perceive dreams to the extent of the dreams having significant purpose guidance in life also to understand ourselves deeper to help us find the answer to things. Furthermore, people like his are more aware of remembering dreams and believe it’s their ‘higher self’ communicating with them, in other words ‘guardian angles’ looking after them showing us signs. For example, if a loved person dies in a dream some say its telling you to be more appreciative to that person more or dreaming about an EX has a meaning of unresolved issues. Whereas some others don’t take any notice and just think the subconscious mind going wild as we have no control over it when asleep.

In a group discussion, we discovered that there is an immense variety of different dreams that people experience. Some people lucid dream while others dream in False awakenings as I have that often with food then I wake up, in reality, realising it was all a dream, whereas others don’t dream at all.

Gallery visit

I visited a gallery on February 23rd called Wright Steve 45 Melbourne Grove, East Dulwich, London SE22 8RG. His work is based on  printed textiles. 



I chose to visit this gallery because it gives it refers to dreams and to show  wild random pieces of objects such as bottles, dolls, caps, and glass are collaborated together to make a colourful collage, where this resonates with dreams. 

This has inspired me to create something like this in my poster because its bright colourful and kind of abstract. Adding crazy random objects in my poster will make it look surreal like this collage.

I think its really cleaver that he created a collage out of these objects, the amazing thing is when I went in there the whole place was covered with collages. This shows that he has talent and is a very diligent worker.


This is to get advice from other people to get different ideas on creating my poster where this is my research i’m going to put in my poster. As a result i’m going to create a poster from the questioned answered mainly from people who have had lucid dreams. This is because they have experienced it and know the sense it no matter of how frequently lucid dreams happen  the realistically is the highest  which is helpful. I’m going to place a few pictures on my poster but not many this is because I don’t want it to be crowded, I want it to be stating an image of random objects that people can identify them on my poster to make a sense of lucid dreaming. As for the same I going to a small and large objects, to give a variety.

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Lucid dreams


1_MntbW0U9tBQpxy-_0idl0w@2xHistorical context

untitledAlthough the scientific community did not recognise lucid dreaming until 1978, the history of this unique dreaming experience originated back centuries ago, and potentially into the Paleolithic Era. Furthermore it started 2.7 billion years ago and ended 10,000 However where the Paleolithic  people created the earliest use of tools made of chipped stone.


Hinduism and Buddhist

NUNSTibetan Buddhists the first to tutor the ability to lucid dream. The tradition of Bonpo maintains that lucid dreaming has been used in their meditations for over 12000 years.

They learned have an conscious awareness  dreams using a technique called ‘Dream yoga’. This is where you experiment with dream meditations and find out about your guidance the medium of dreams. For example, one dream yoga practice is to exchange the objects in your dream. You can turn a dream table into a flower or radically change your boat into a car. You can also add or subtract things in your dreams, or shift their size: amplify a home into a mansion and then shrink it down into a dollhouse.

If you want to go deeper, dream yoga can increase into sleep yoga, which is when awareness spreads no longer entirely into dreams however additionally into deep dreamless sleep. With sleep yoga, your body goes into sleep mode but your idea stays awake. You drop consciously into the very core of your being, the most refined formless awareness. It’s an superior meditation and an age-old exercise in Tibetan Buddhism.


Greece and Islam

In the West, the notion of lucid goals is almost as historical as Western letters itself. In general, goals had a privileged role in the foundations of Greek philosophy; Socrates, Plato and Aristotle a Greek logician all addressed their inquiries into the nature of fact to our nightly journeys. Lucid desires have been first simply described by Aristotle (350BC), in his treatise On Dreams. Aristotle says, “when one is asleep, there is some thing in awareness which tells us that what presents itself is however a dream.”
Three hundred years later, Sufi mystic (Shamsoddin Lahiji) recorded an inspiring night time vision of the heavens that additionally may additionally have been a lucid dream experience. Due to cultural and historical variations between the distinction of visions and goals it is not possible to recognize for sure if this account, as properly as Mohammed’s, happened throughout sleep or vision states, but they are actually lucid. 

The dark ages of lucidity

Despite these strong classic beginnings, the study of lucid dreaming became stifled by the dominant religious atmosphere after the rise of Imperial Rome. Judea-Christian culture came to hold a suspicion about dreams, as theologians opined that that some dreams had access to higher truths, but others were false.

200px-st-thomas-aquinas.jpgIn the Middle Ages, Thomas Acquinas reinforced this opinion, suggesting that some dreams come from demons. After this warning on high, the Christian West’s concern with dreams lay dormant for centuries, and lucid dreaming went underground.

This misconception of dreams is probably the single greatest reason why Western culture still ignores dreams and why many superstitions about dreams persist. In many Christian cultures today, for instance, lucid dreaming is still associated with satanism and witchcraft.

Interestingly, Rene Descartes, who is most famously regarded as being dismissive of subjective reality, actually wrote passionately about his lucid dreams in a private journal known today as the Olympica.

Scientifically proven benefits

Stephen Laberge in 1947 performed the first scientific research about lucid dreaming at Stanford University, and made dreaming and lucid dreaming available for research. Him being a Oneirolgist who devotes his life to research lucid dreams. Also he created several techniques. He believes lucid dreams are “dreams during which the dreamer recognises the dream state and is able to act upon the volition.”

However, it was not until 1975 that lucid dreaming was scientifically proven in the laboratory. Lucid dreamer Alan Worsley at the University of Hull in England managed to signal to researcher Keith Hearne in the outside world.

Lucid dreaming occurs during REM sleep (which always happens when sleeping  by rapid eye movements,, more dreaming and bodily movement, and faster pulse and breathing, which is the fifth sleep stage). The body is basically paralysed, with the exception of the eyelids. In science experiments are known for the quality of REM sleep, using common eyelid movements to signal that they were dreaming. Tiny movements from a test subject paired with an EEG (is a recording of the electrical activity of the brain) to confirm the sleep stage are. Overall, the only way that scientists have been able to study lucid dreamers.

How lucid dreams are important to society

Its vital to society it makes a significant impact to peoples lives as it had loads of benefits. What better than controlling a dream consciously to what you desire and enjoy the amazing feeling of that feeling like reality. Its so much fun from my experience too. This is why I chose this type of dream out of the others. You can become anyone you want to be or do everything you want to do, anything is possible. Whether you want to meet your idols, be in your computer game or to fly like Superwoman… There’s infinite things you can create.

Lucid dreams helps you in the 3D dimension where:

Lucid Dreams help to overcome phobias and fears that as knowing are already safe nothing can stop you from sky dying and be in-control you can slow the speed as you gently land on the ground.

It can help with solving important situations and decisions.

Several mathematicians and scientists consider this to be the best benefit of lucid dreaming. Further more its possible for them to think of a certain problem when they dream.

With the completely way of working of the brain, it often makes brand new solutions  you probably didn’t think of before, which makes it easier to conjure many varieties to solve important problems. You can ask a question to your subconscious mind as a result of helping you.

Practice life skills

It’s magnificent that you can practice and improve real life skills. Such as you can attend driving lessons, which is beneficial to save more time in reality.

Lucid Dream for Emotional Healing

  Emotional healing may be defined as one’s ability to heal our-self of emotional injuries such as:

Fear, doubt, stress, and due to traumatic happenings, these are some of the things that can be healed through lucid dreaming.


Helps to Discover a Personal Meaning to Life

Another gain is that it can help you find out your life’s personal meaning. It is stated that lifestyles has no real motive except you make one.

you can evolve your life’s meaning with consciousness. You can even appear at your purpose in the future with lucid dreaming. It incredibly improves creativity
Unlike in waking life, your desires have the potential to change things   instantaneously.

How is Lucid Dreaming portrayed in the media?untitled

The concept of lucid dreaming is to become more recognizable in society, With the success of science-fiction movies such as Inception (released in 2010), in which the protagonists use different ways to create, dreams of the well known one being to lay down on a couch somewhere using thought to manifest to create in a dream then it’s created. where this has spread to the public, in addition to people are using this technique now. dreamleaf-galantamine-300This popularity has contributed to a new market for dream technology, with internal products are, made for helping users experience lucid dreaming, researchers are using new technology to build upon existing knowledge of dreaming. As a result of lucid dreaming has become more widely accepted in the science industry. This increased potential for promoting lucid dreaming technology in the future. 


Research for lucid dream image idea


I want to create an dreamy abstract vivid vibrant Image of my memorable lucid dream experience that is not imaginable in the waking life on Photoshop to make it look like a lucid dream. To give that impression of being in a lucid dream where your conscious the dream being so unreal, It is only when you really realise something is off, that you are aware you are in fact in a dream.

Im using this app because there’s a variety of techniques I can develop develop for  my project.

Photoshop lucid dream image


I chose too create this lucid dream surreal image to convey that this is what lucid dreaming can create unlimiting feelings and visuals. This showing the imagination of a fantasy you’ve always wanting to experience. As well as the feeling is very intense and magical.

I would describe this image as a vivid, weird and surreal. To create this image I found an animation of a monkey and merged it together with an apple a ball and a abstract round background. I used the paint bucket tool then I coloured different parts in pink, purple and green to make it seem surreal, weird and dreamy. Even though I added these different colour schemes I specifically made the round pattern background purple to make the monkey stank out. he reason why I   It was quite easy to do the merging method as I have experienced the method before. However I was difficult to change the colour as the first technique I tried was the quick selection tool and when I selected around my image to add colour to it, unfortunately the tool wouldn’t work. So the next method what turned out to be successful was the adjustment and the channel mixer tool to add colour. Also I made the right ear light in contrast to emphasise the three eyes and the purple veins more. I chose the green, dark purple, and hot-pink colours coordination to make the image alive and magical.



When I was editing I knew some affects and tools would be difficult and confusing to work for the reason of wanting to use new tools to develop more skills in Photoshop. Furthermore this software is big in the Media industry. To help me overcome the difficulty I received help from website tutorials but the most effective help I got from was the teachers due to the fact that I’m a visual person helping me see it step by step in person. As a result of my poster came out successful by the amount of effort and detail I put in.

I believe I made a great choose on picking this Lucid dream theme because I’ve experienced it, I know soo much information about it and I’m glad I did a huge amount of research as considering I know more about Lucid dreaming now. I set the image on landscape so the objects can fit on effortlessly without out looking squashed as I’ve chosen medium and large images.

What I did well in my poster is I put these interesting objects together to make it surreal and to emphasise the beauty of the image bringing these beautiful colours together. I gave it this warming, love, delightful feeling as the pink colour connotates this. Another reason is I used new tool techniques that were complicated now its easy. What I could improve on is to add more vibrant colours to make it more dreamy and abstract. To improve this, I could add objects in the outer background where the pink is based to make it more detailed.

I followed more of my primary research to create my poster, where this is great information to receive from other perspectives to expand my ideas.